Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Polar bears - sports

For Christmas Standa received from Brno brand new soccer ball with a letter: "Here is new ball for you, Standa. You don't have to kick it into foxes den again. It scared them, so no wonder, they shredded your ball into pieces." "Try to kick the ball with your hind leg." "I don't have eyes on the back", rambled Standa. The bears had to make their own rules with their four feet and luck of soccer field, so soccer became more like rugby. Sometimes the ball flew over the wall and landed on one of seals noses who tried to get it back over the wall. So, soccer became a volleyball. After a while the seals began whining, they would like to get their own ball, they don't want to wait for the bears lost balls to play. "Oh, can we have nice colorful beach ball instead?" Soon the elephants began to beg for their own ball and Canadian geese asked for bright yellow ball to remain them the color of goslings, dandelions and Spring Sun. Baboons asked for warm winter clothes. The directors of the Zoo found out since the animals were playing the ball there were more visitors with children who liked to watch, and kept buying the balls all kind of colors and sizes. The polar bears didn't loose weight, but they had lot of fun. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 1/10/10 Pottsville

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