Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your world

I am your past and you are looking ahead. Sail, sail away. Reach for the stars. Learn what you can. Gather memories. I am your harbor hit by hurricane. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 2008


When I moved to small town in Texas I applied for telephone connection. The second, or the third day I received phone number for the land line with the offer of all other existing services. The very first evening the phone rang. "I need a transport." I apologized with an explanation, that I just moved to town and received this phone number and this is a private residence. Few days later the phone rang at 11 P.M. Very drank voice asked for a transportation. I again politely apologized and explained to him he has wrong phone number. The same situation repeated several times a week. Then one caller explained to me: he is calling Taxi Service, and it's me who has wrong number, he has the correct one and he advised me to look in the phone book under Taxi Service. I looked, and yes, the customer was right. Another man was so desperate he asked me if I don't know phone number for Taxi Service. I looked into the phone book and offered another phone number. Unsatisfied customer called after five minutes and informed me I gave him phone number for the bus, which transports people, but only during the day, and he needs transport now. I again apologized nicely and that evening I didn't pick up any phone, because I knew what I would do: "Where are you? I don't know my way around, but I will take you where

A dog

A dog, chased away from his food, bites. The dog, still chased away from the food, bites - or he dies from hunger. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 2008

A preacher

Tennessee is halfway from Texas to Pennsylvania. It is where I stayed overnight on my trips to Pennsylvania. One time I stopped in the little town and the motel was on the top of the hill. They asked for cash. The motel was clean, well maintained, and I was tired. There was a man outside. The receptionist told me: "There is a preacher outside." "I am tired and I want to go to the bed." I went to my room, barricaded myself inside, and went to the bed. The preacher was pacing outside for long time. I left early in the morning, so I don't know if the preacher found somebody. He definitely wasn't holy. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 2007 Stephenville, Texas

Monday, December 28, 2009

God was absent

I tell you the story, my friend. It is about one preacher who was money and power hungry. The preacher had so much money he could buy whole town, land, mines. He was so rich he could buy a king. He could buy almost everybody, because you can buy everything for the right price. He was paving his way to the power. He had his disciples and they were building more and more churches everywhere. He bribed, he did the favors, he stole, he forged and he trapped people by his favors. He was giving away stolen cars. People took them blinded by his generosity. He enjoyed his power. He was everywhere where he wanted to be, breaking the friendships, destroying family ties, making babies out of the wedlock. He had the power to bring the tears, fear and despair. He didn't like two words: blood and death. He was afraid to die. Was it because he enjoyed the life so much? I don't think so. He enjoyed the power to destroy a goodness in people, to use them and see them cry and suffer. Deep inside he was scared for what he has done. In the dark night on his knees he prayed: Dear God, I am afraid of your punishment. God wasn't there. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 12/28/09 Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 12/2009


Freshly caught out of the sea. Flounder on the pan, battered flounder ready to eat. Dry flounder, smoked flounder, flounder a la herring; roasted flounder is to small. Flounder for lunch, flounder to go. Fresh flounder good to eat. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 12/27/09

An old cow

What with an old cow? To the butcher, to the butcher. Bones for bones' meal, meat to feed the dogs, innards for the cats. Tanned hide as a carpet in the lodge. What with the old cow? To the butcher, to the butcher. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Stephenville, 2007

Monday, December 14, 2009

Zoo (beginning of Polar bears)

There is one zoo, and because it is far north, they can have animals who like winter the most. There is a polar bear, a polar fox, a snow leopard, white wolves, snow crabs, snow rabbits, snow shoe hares, Siberian white cranes, almost white squirrels, snow owls, white mice and snow fleas, Siberian huskies, Siberian tigers and Canada geese. Fattened snow birds are coming back from Texas at Spring to nest. Reindeer give children rides on the sled, or on the back around the parameter of the Zoo. Polar bear lives right next to the pool with the seals. The bear wakes up every morning with the idea: today I am going to catch my own seal. In the evening, when he goes to the cave he thinks: it doesn't matter, I will catch one tomorrow. The bear lives by hope. Seals don't care, they know there is a wall between their headquarters and polar bear's. They do what seals do in one cold fall day: they swim, dive, frolic and have fun. The bear tries to sleep in his cave, he is grumpy, because he realizes he probably will not catch his seal not today and not tomorrow either. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann New York, 11/26/09

Saturday, December 12, 2009

End of communism

They said: it's the end of communism. Aggressive capitalism is ready for new markets. Russian muzhik can buy jeans and whisky. I am sorry for something. I feel sorry for all dead soldiers when they liberated Europe. They didn't die for communism. They died for their Motherland. There will be enough of everything. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville 12/1/09

The war

The horses are pulling a wagon behind the front line. They carry a food supply, or maybe, a machine gun. They left millions of dead behind them, thousands and thousands burned down villages, blown up bridges, murdered families. The horses keep steady pace. They have long way in front of them, and much longer way back... Better do not think about it now. The soldiers are discovering Europe and on the evenings they share the bread. How Europe will accept us? Vlasov's army is marching to the death. How the World will accept us? Father, I didn't have a chance to know you. Copyright (c) 12/1/08 Pottsville Marie Neumann

The snow

It is still deep night. The bird's clock on the wall chirps four o'clock. It runs on summer time. The cold is seeping thorough the windows. It is still and quiet, too quiet. Something changed in the air. The cat is sitting on the window sill watching the first snow of winter. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville 12/12/09

Monday, November 30, 2009


It is cold winter night. Everybody in the house is asleep. I woke up, because I had to use a restroom. It was warm under the comforter and I didn't feel like to crawl out. If I will ignore it, maybe I will not have to go. That didn't work. It was getting stronger and stronger. "Sandy, Sandy", I call my older sister. "I have to go." "So go, you don't have to wake me up." "Come with me, I know you have to go also." "I am not going anywhere. Go by yourself." "I am scared." After long time, when my sister found out she will be not able to get rid of me, she moved out of the bed, and both of us, in the cold night, just in our nightgowns, walked outside. The outhouse was a part of a storage shed and the laundry building. Sandy used her right of an older sister and was first inside. I waited outside, jumped on one and then another leg, tried to keep myself warm and a need to use a restroom was becoming unbearable. Finally my sister was done and I could get inside. Sister waited for me outside,and when I was done, we ran back to the house and under the warmth of our comforters. I remembered this story when I visited coal mine village not far from Hazelton. There were abandoned outhouses behind the row of old houses. Nobody used them for long time. In the Schuylkill County I met my first doubleseeter. I liked it very much. I wouldn't have to wait outside in those cold winter nights of my childhood. The outhouses are part of our history also. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville 11/30/2009

Milch cows

In Erath County there was one wise farmer who came up with the idea do not keep milch cows in the shed all day long but let them out. He built tall iron fence and placed feeders outside of the fence. The cows could walk freely around, chew on their cud, watch the cars passing on the road (my friend told I am wrong, when I said the cows actually count the cars), congregate and gossip as much as they liked. Anytime, when they were hungry, they could walk to the feeders and have a snack. Feeders also attracted wild animals. The cows were eating on one side of the fence and deer, rabbits, and other critters were dining on the other side. Everybody was happy. What about farmer's expenses? I didn't ask. Copyright 11/30/09 Pottsville, Marie Neumann

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas and Jesus

In Czechoslovakia it is Baby Jesus who brings Christmas presents. The delivery time is Christmas Eve. Also Christmas Eve is main holiday with Holy Supper. The night has magic. Evening is full of expectations and soon to be fulfilled wishes. Children believe in Baby Jesus the same way as we believe in Santa. He is real. The statues of Virgin Mary holding her baby are in each Catholic church. First years after we came to United States we celebrated Christmas like in Czechoslovakia. We still celebrate Christmas Eve today. One Christmas the older child wished we could celebrate the same way like in the old country. Baby Jesus flew over the ocean to bring Christmas presents on Christmas Eve. Younger child, born in U.S.A., accepted presents, but wanted to be sure Santa is also coming and he will not skip our house. He will be here. What now? The presents were already delivered, opened, and enjoyed. Older child excused himself, went to visit freshly separated father and came back with the box full of gifts for children. We didn't have time to wrap them up in to nice packages with the name and ribbon on. Children dug out their presents. Grouchy younger child also took from the box what was hers and then complained: "Why Santa brought this year so little and that Czech guy who was here yesterday, brought much more?" Since that Christmas the presents brings only Santa. Children do not get their presents twice and everybody is happy. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 11/15/09

Monday, November 9, 2009


Don't take a risk, you will ruin your disk. Avoid phishing, spoofing, and spam. Don't take a risk. Tell me how? Have your firewall on all the time. Install all protection against hackers and viruses. Avoid the spam. Lock your laptop or computer. Dumpster diving: I shred everything I have. I have no personal memories, not a scrap of a paper. Don't take a risk. My identity was stolen. I had to call my credit company for the bills I didn't receive. I don't have a single credit card. I don't need it. Don't take a risk. I had a shadow copy once from my employer. It asked me for my mother's maiden name. I used a state agency computer that day. I gave it away. How should I treat a fishing source? Delete? Is it enough? Don't take a risk. I behave as an ostrich, the head in the sand and a behind sticking out. Can you draw me a picture of one with the arrows in his bum? Don't take a risk. I have a follower on my blog. He deletes words: death and blood. What can I do with him? One day he will die, the same as I. Copyright (c) Marie Neumannm 11/9/09 Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 10/18/2009


It's raining, it's November. It's gloomy day. He walks under the wet trees, shaking off the rain and leaves, feeling like a shadow of somebody's cold hand is touching his face. It's November. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Translated by memory Geza Vcelicka. Listopad. October 2009

A barrel organ

Thousand times played organ hic-ups and screeches: Sima, it was Sima, who hurt me so much. It was Sima, Sima, who took mine children away. I do not know a cure. I run away. Behind me the barrel organ plays its sad tune. Copyright (c)October 2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville, PA

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How I robbed the bank

It was four o'clock morning and I found out I ran out of the cigarettes. My valet, all my pockets were also empty. All my money was in the bank and it was now closed, but children have their piggy banks. I sneaked into child's bedroom. Pink piggy bank stood quietly on the desk dreaming it's wealthy dreams with blue eyes open. I took it softly into my hands and tiptoed out of the room and to the kitchen. I shook it. The change was jiggling. I knew money was there: weekly allowances, pocket money, tooth fairy presents... I will be not able to get out dollar notes. I turned the pig upside down in the hope some change will fall out. Nothing happened. The opening on the top is quite narrow. It's meant for putting money in, not digging them out. I didn't want to destroy the piggy bank. It's such cute little piggy with turn-up sweet snout and long eyelashes. The child even took it to the bed with her for a while. I didn't want to steel money, only borrow enough for a pack of cigarettes. I used a kitchen knife to get out enough of coins for one pack, than returned the piggy back on the desk in the child's bedroom. The piggy bank was facing the bed without expression. When I smoked the first cigarette I comforted myself: I will return everything back with some interest. The child will not notice anything and the pig will not tell. It's morning and time to wake up the child. I enter her bedroom. She is standing in her pajamas at the desk holding so much lighter piggy bank in her arms and both of them are silently looking at me with their blue eyes. That night I robbed the piggy-bank. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann, 10/30/2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

In her shoes continued

Remove the dentures gently wash them in warm water and gently put them back. Change the pull ups, place the john under them - smile. Talk to children, calm their worries. Hand rosaries, don't respond to curses. There is full moon tonight and you are on the grave shift. Change the diapers, call the priest, calm the fears. Call the doctor. In the morning strip the bed, change the sheets and say little prayer in the hurry for departed, when you are eating your breakfast. New patient is coming this morning. Change the diapers, shave the face, shampoo the hair. New patient is coming tonight - smile. Rest your feet. Copyright (c) 10/20/2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

In her shoes

You are teacher's aid today. You are in her shoes for one whole day. You are lucky you know the sign language. Change the diapers, wipe the behind. It's time to go to the nursing home. Change the diapers, wipe their behinds. One by one clean the beds,feed them breakfast, give them sponge bath, brush their hair, shave what has to be shaved, change their clothes - and smile.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I don't know why a mosquito is buzzing around my eye. It remembers each word I have ever said and I hear all of them back and it asks for more. I answer with a smile. I have to watch myself now. The mosquito wants my blood as reward for its sad life. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Stephenville,10/21/07

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Paranoia bellows, wails and howls. Provoked roosters are fighting to the death. Egged dogs are ripping their muzzles. People set against each other slander, criticize, double-cross, cut their throats, gouge out the eyeballs. Goebbels is laughing. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas 2007

Monday, October 5, 2009


How many crisis daily has to solve mother of four? Bleeding nose, many cuts and bruises, siblings disputes, proper nutrition, diaper changes, potty training, endless dirty laundry, search for always lost socks, luck of sleep, which became chronic? How many crisis daily has to solve mother of five? Just little bit more. Copyright (c)10/2/09 Marie Neumann, New York

Monday, September 28, 2009

The garbage

Mmmm, yummy, garbage, tasty, smelly garbage... Anything in the black bag waiting on the sidewalk for the garbage day smells so good. She will not eat the food from her dish: leftovers, chicken skins, not even a fish. Throw it into the bag, take it outside and second day there are the holes in the bag and the garbage is spilled on the sidewalk. I thought about some hungry wild things like opossums, skunks, maybe foxes, stray cats, dogs ... What else is running hungry? One day I found out it was our domestic tabby feasting on scraps she refused to eat from her dish. Yummy, it must taste good. Copyright (c)9/8/2009 Marie Neumann Pottsville, PA

Monday, September 21, 2009

Water bed

We were selling a water bed. We purchased it from the husband's friend and the husband was dreaming about it for a long time. The water bed was an old type, with the drawers on the bottom. The water made waves when it embraced the lying bodies. I tried to sleep on it, but I started to have wild dreams about sleeping on the shallow water. The bed had to be heated, and an economical husband said it will be enough to lay on a comforter, and we will have not to use heat as much. When I wanted to turn around during the night, I wrapped myself into the nightgown so well I tore it. I solved the situation the crepe style: Jump and turn in the air. Then I moved out off the bed. We had a problem. After two years we were selling the water bed. Son, with the help of the hose, successfully emptied the water. The leftover of water, with the mattress, plopped over the metal catch, and it created a little hole in the rubber mattress. The husband drove to the store to buy a glue and rubber patches. He fixed the hole quickly, because the buyers were coming. We took all bed parts in the living room, and the couple was knocking on the door. Our four years old daughter was sitting in the living room corner and was observing quietly. Couple was wishing to have the water bed for a long time, and they asked why we were selling. "My husband loves it and I hate it." The woman was satisfied with the answer and prepared money. "There is a hole", came from the corner. The woman hesitated. We showed the rubber patches to the couple, added leftovers of patches and glue, and I took $25.00 of the price. The couple took the bed, and I promised to myself never ever to take our little daughter to any financial transactions in the future again. (c) 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Monday, August 31, 2009

Gold mine

I was a gold mine for Stevensville, Texas, with my manuscripts, my old letters, my diaries, my old sweaters and shoes; my cooking recipes, and my little trinkets. I was a treasure. I showed up unarmed and single. Copyright(c) Marie Neumann 8/25/08 Pottsville

The laundry

Don't put Texas to the laundry with the whites. It will shrink. Wash it with the colors. It shrunk. It's one third of the size now. From Dallas to El Paso is only 200 miles. What about ego of Texans? It shrunk also. Copyright (c)Marie Neumann Pottsville, 8/25/09

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last summer

Everybody is wearing flip-flops. Summer of free meals and popcorn. Meetings of angry Americans debating health care. Nobody will go hungry. The gangs of mentals learned how to use cell-phones and pick the locks. We didn't raise them this way. We raised them to be gentle. What will it take to put everything right? Flocks of volunteers cook meals and wash the dishes. The churches give away free food. Last summer, summer of plenty. Copyright (c) 8/2009 Marie Neumann Pottsville, PA

Monday, August 17, 2009

Banned books

Banned books are sitting behind the bars, and many times, their authors, too. Banned books are banned from the libraries, taken to the warehouses, deleted from the catalogs. The most prohibited books go for liquidation. They are turned into the pulp; thrown into the bonfire. Modern Koniases stomp in their high boots. The most modern walk softly and the books are eliminated from human memory. Copyright(c)3/2008 Marie Neumann Stephenville


Why do they hate us? We shattered the dreams about their happiness. Why are they so angry? They will be not able to manipulate us so easily anymore. Why are they so bitter? Because we run free. Why do they cling to us so much? They can not stand by themselves. Why they don't leave? They want our money, our happiness, our playfulness, they want our dreams. Copyright(c)8/2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hijacking the meeting

First time I came she hijacked the meeting. It has no sense to ask why. She took it to Tibet, full of herself, the biggest monk of all. Second time I came she hijacked it again. She was a witch this time communicating with dead. I came the third time. There she is taking the meeting as far as to Moon. Our six grade teacher knows it all. I thought the meetings supposed to be about writing. They are not. They are about six grade teacher conducting her class. Ring the bell, the class is dismissed. I don't want to come to the class about six grade teacher, so important, so full of herself, so full of bullshit. Copyright 8/2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The library

Friendly place of free entertainment. Access to the Internet and the World beyond. Available education without paying for each credit. Access to the news. The World of children books and fiction. Source of the fantasy. Libraries are romantic, idealistic, and they believe in future. Thank you, Library! Copyright 8/3/09 Marie Neumann Pottsville

Saturday, August 1, 2009


"They are sniffing." "What are they sniffing?" "I don't know." "What do you know?" "They are sniffing." Go away Salieri. You didn't change your socks You stink! Spring 2008 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas


Trying to understand before Alzheimer will take over. Rainbow doesn't come in black and white color. People who live in desert have no hearts. Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Thursday, July 30, 2009


You broke your leg. Go to AA meeting! You are looking for a justice. Go to AA meeting! You are looking for a hole, where to hide. Go to AA meeting! You are looking for a place to stay. You hear the answer: "Go to AA meeting." You are looking for a job. Chorus answers: "Go to AA meeting." You are thinking, there is no room for you in this world. You hear an echo: "Go to AA meeting." Copyright (c) July 2008 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

What do you want from my dead?

What do you want from my dead? Their bones are lying in Eastern Europe. Their bones are not spies. Go, pick them up. They will bring you money. What do you want from my dead? They died young. When you steel each little piece of paper I scribble on? So you could be famous and richer. You are all ready very rich. What do you want to my dead? Let them rest in peace. Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Growing old

Two dry leaves are playing hide and seek on the street. Grey beads of days create a necklace. Peaceful feeling about not attracting anybody anymore. Freedom, more freedom I ever wished for. "Today are only few things which could hurt me." He sounded good when he said: "Last Sunday I threw a weapon into the lake." "Was it frozen?" "Nobody nowhere " isn't about me. Why I feel so soft hearted then? Copyright (c)1990 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Ghost towns

They are taking space where should be fields and pastures, because people left. There is nobody to tend to the graves, and nobody to turn cemeteries back to the fields and pastures. Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann, Stephenville, Texas

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Carnival night

Carousel is spinning faster and faster The lights are on Orchestrion plays tune of my youth Faster and faster It's carnival night every night I am not part of it Gray morning grass frosted with vomit and garbage Gray people get up around the noon I am not part of it. Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bad luck

I don't remember to brake any mirror lately. Why am I having such bad luck? If I stepped on somebody's toes, it was an accident. He shouldn't put them there. I need to borrow somebody's good luck. Just for a moment, so I could reverse mine. Just a little touch. Do you know any chimney sweeper? He will let me to touch his sleeve today. Tomorrow everything will be O.K. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 7/11/08

Monday, July 6, 2009

The helping hands

My sins are washed away for a moment. I am a human. A victim of oppression. "You are hanging with the wrong crowd." The crowd is all ready picking the stones ready to tear piece by piece. "Stick with the person you like and it will rub on you." Wait the second, it doesn't mean to break her neck, because you want what she has. I am making the same mistake as He did almost 2,000 years ago. Onions, or Icarus, or something between? I am dreaming. He pushed me gently: it's time to go. I left my cocoon bewildered entering new path. I am not dreaming. I walked this path before, long time ago. There will be helping hands to take me, to lead me, to encourage me. Copyright (c) 7/5/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Monday, June 29, 2009

King Lavra (Adaptation)

Hurry, hurry, purchase the third row. The second row is all ready filled with the king's officials. The first row is reserved for the king's court. In the sky the lark is singing. The barber is thinking: "Why me, why I have to go?" The forth row is filling up. Cameras are calling: action. Newspaper boy is shouting: "Come to see the barber's head will be down." Poor barber doesn't see he is a center of attraction. He would rather be in his shop telling his customers little jokes. The willow whistle blows: "Look at the King Lavra's big ears." Little barber is smiling. He doesn't have to hold somebody's secrets anymore. Will King Lavra take this joke well? It's hard to tell. Copyright (c)5/5/08 Marie Neumann Pottsville


We are the trouts jumping against the stream toward the death, toward the life. I see you in me, you see me in you. We leap together, we swim together. I am you, you are me. Copyright Marie Neumann 6/27/09, Pottsville

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I typed There used to be a site to read poems and write. It's Lulu now. I have to go. I wanted to write a poem. I really have to pee - now! Every time I use a restroom I think about this site. I have to go - now. Copyright (c), May 1st, 2009 Pottsville, Marie Neumann

Monday, June 8, 2009


What is it what are you cooking in the pot under the lid? All dirty secrets are turning into the gray. Dirty socks and dirty underwear are turning into one gray mush. One big gray blob is churning. I didn't peek under the lid. Let me go. I don't know any of your secrets. I don't want to know. Copyright 6/1/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bermuda triangle

I escaped from Bermuda triangle. My personal Bermuda triangle followed me and sunk all my paper ships. Paper ships from colored paper and those plain just torn out from the notebook. Whole flotilla went down, loaded with crooks, tricksters, evil preachers, wicked and twisted women. My ship is clean. Copyright 5/10/08 Marie Neumann, Pottsville


Take it apart, leg by leg. Dip it into the butter, suck it, eat it. Dispose empty shells. Wash your hands. Copyright 5/24/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Monday, April 6, 2009


We planted a cabbage at Spring time. Rows and rows of young shoots. The shoots grew nicely. They were adding more and more leaves. Then came butterflies. They were small and white. They planted clusters of yellow eggs on the bottom of the leaves. Our job was to wear gloves and smash the eggs. We didn't listen to much. Then the eggs became caterpillars and they started to devour our cabbage. Our job was to wear gloves and pick ugly caterpillars and put them into the jar and close the lid. I would rather smash the eggs, but now it was to late. The caterpillars were eating our cabbage. We worked hard this time. Only few caterpillars changed into the butterflies. Copyright Marie Neumann Pottsville, 4/6/09

For sale

Friend of mine purchased a land on Mars. "It's only few acres", he said. He knows somebody who has a bigger piece on Moon and the owner wrote a letter to the astronauts: "Do not trespass on my property." When are they moving? Soon Mars, Venus and Moon will be sold out. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 4/6/09

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh my gosh, woman!

We were driving to the pub in the next village. The pub has a billiard table. I refused to play. I do not know how to play it and I do not know the rules. My excuses didn't work. I was pushed to the big, green table and they put a cue into my right hand. I understood, that a white ball is very important. The audience gathered around the table. I hit the white ball, it moved - and dropped into the hole. The disgusted audience thinned out and I was pushed out of the pub. It was my first and the last date. Copyright 4/3/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Friendship means ...

Instant connection, saying the same words at the same time and a ray of understanding between two people. It also means: "I need somebody to take care of my cat." "Sure he can stay." I am not to good at that, but I am learning. It also means we know each other for very long time. We connected long time ago. Today nothing can break these ties - only an ultimate breaker. It also means little, shy smile: "Good morning", when we offer a new one. Copyright 4/3/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A secretary

Typing, writing, organizing, that's her job. She is a people's person. She is smiling with a new baby and grieving with a family member leaving. She works efficiently behind the scenes. She is the secretary. Copyright 4/1/2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Monday, March 16, 2009

The streetlamps

A walker crosses town square. His footsteps crunch in the snow in the coming darkness. The first streetlamp is turning on. "Good evening, I give order to the world." The second streetlamp goes on. "I take away chaos." The third streetlamp says: "I chase away the darkness and the shadows." The forth streetlamp declares: "I keep off the thieves, robbers and night prowlers." The fifth streetlamp is dancing in its circle. The sixth streetlamp on the corner points out: "You are almost home." The light above the door says: "Clean your shoes before you enter." Copyright 3/2009, Sch. Haven, Marie Neumann Edited by Becky White, Reference Librarian

Friday, March 13, 2009

The cage

We are pacing in the cage doing the same mistakes all over again,all over again. Some learn, some don't. Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Thursday, March 12, 2009


What do you see when you can't sleep during the night? Whom do you see in the night? Is it a whole procession whispering to you from their graves? When you don't sleep crocheting the afghan for your family to keep them warm in the winter nights? Copyright 3/11/09 Pottsville, Marie Neumann

Monday, March 2, 2009

A looser

I am loosing money. I am loosing the things. I lost my wedding ring. I also lost a husband. I lost three jobs just last year. I sold a house for peanuts. Yes, in the sense, I lost it, too. I lost my neighbors (They went with the house). I lost the keys. I lost a dog. She was killed. I lost my friends - some. Some friends just do not mean to get lost. I am the looser. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann 3/2/09, Pottsville

Monday, February 16, 2009

A mouse

A mouse is looking for a hole in this big, huge, enormous piece of a cheese. She chews and chews, and gnaws, now and more. It doesn't matter how much she chews, she just can not find a hole. The mouse found a hole in that big, huge, enormous piece of cheese. Little brave mouse is now begging at the church door. Copyright 2008 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

The crow

One beautiful fall morning a crow flies over Palo Alto. Andy is looking out of his bedroom window. "Good morning, Mr. Hoysock", says the crow and flies away before Andy can say anything to her. The crow knows Andy. Copyright 2/12/2009 Palo Alto, Marie Neumann

Bouquet of roses

For little bouquet of wild roses we go to the war. For little bouquet of wild roses we die. Little bouquet of wild roses, my sweet gal, I love you. Copyright (c)Marie Neumann CZ 1961

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Fire, oh my gosh, there is fire! Fire siren sounds almost every day. Firemen are running, firemen are driving as fast as they can. Burn down houses, burn down mine breakers, factories, restaurants and barns. People are homeless. Fire, oh my gosh, there is another fire! It was a chimney, something happened in the kitchen, it started in the attic, in the wall, it was an old electric wiring. It was an arson. The factory burned down. It was an arson. One hundred twenty four people lost their jobs. The company will relocate. Fire, oh my gosh, there is another fire! Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 2/10/2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Big baby Alex

He is teaching me how to clean. He is teaching me how to drive. He is teaching me how to work. He will teach me how to teach. He is taking my self-esteem away and he tries to replace my God. Have a good day, Alex! You saved my life. Copyright July, 2008 Marie Neumann, Schuylkill Haven

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Red wolf

One afternoon I drove to the pound, because I needed a watch dog. On my mind was a mean, ill tempered schnauzer, who would bark his head off. The pound was closed. Behind the fence were two playful puppies. Black mutt looked like Labrador and another mutt on long legs and a cute muzzle of a terrier. The puppy of air dale noticed me and curtsied. I told it: "I will come to pick you up tomorrow." The doggie pretended to understand and continued in it's play. Second day I filled out adoption paper, payed $30.00 and the dog was mine. The lady gave me a searching look and she said: "She will be a big dog." Betsy (in Texan dialect Betsie) received a pink comforter in the kitchen corner by the table, and because she was my first dog we began to learn about each other. She needed everything: bowls, collar, leash, puppy food, and also toys. We purchased two toddler's gates, because Betsy chewed off kitchen wallpaper, where she could reach and tasted sheet rock. She chewed legs of three chairs and began to work on new rocking chair. She reached kitchen counter,helped herself to plastic jar of honey, broke the lid off, and in one sweet afternoon polished jar spike clean. Housebreaking took four months. After that she dragged me for walks. We had some expenses with the dog. She needed shots, especially rabies shot, and hysterectomy. When she was still under anesthesia, they pulled one spare tooth ($8.00). After we left veterinary office, she opened her mouth wide with the hole after extracted tooth with the look of child who was hurt. I needed a manual how to bring up the dog. She never learned "sit". She laid down instead. The command "come": sometimes she came, sometimes she didn't. Whistling also worked only sometimes. She ran away. What was helpful when the owner of another dog with the help of his dog were able to bring her back. Meanwhile, Betsy grew up becoming taller than coffee table, grew coarse hairy pants and her black tail with the white tip changed into proud flag. She had beautiful colors. Black back, white knee-highs, white chest, and red color here and there. She was not easy to handle. Maybe I didn't know how to handle this dog, but we had a respect for each other. I admired her. She was a beautiful when she was catching and tossing her toys in the air, when she galloped, or ran in the circles; jumped in the tall grass. I felt privileged to have such a beautiful dog. "She needs training." I never got into it, later, later, not this month, maybe next month. Betsy chewed seven leashes and two collars. We purchased a choker and chained leash. She learned "give me five" and I was allowed to pick her flies and cut out grass burrs. Every day she became redder and redder. She new how to shell pecans, lick colonies of worms under the rock and pieces of wood, she shelled the pine cones to eat seeds inside. She still liked to run away. On Thursday, March 6, early in the morning, we went for a walk in the park. Nobody was there, so I took off her leash. I liked to watch her run. She listened to each command. After the walk she went back inside the car. I didn't put the leash back on her. We got out of the car - and she took off. I called her, whistled. She didn't come back. I went to the work and when there was daylight I came back to look for her. I repeated calling and whistling. I returned back to the work. At 8:30 in the morning I received an emergency phone call. Betsy was hit by the car and she was dead. The pound took her body away. I didn't see it. Sometimes I dream about Betsy fighting in big dog fights and she is fighting bravely like red wolf. Note: red wolves are near to extinction. They are as big as German shepherds and their weight is about sixty pounds. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Staphenville, Spring 2008


"They are sniffing." "What are they sniffing?" "I don't know." "What do you know?" "They are sniffing." Go away, Salieri. You didn't change your socks. You stink! Copyright Marie Neumann, Stephenville, Winter 2007

Lawless land

I shall marry Cathy in the lawless land. She will take all my money, so she could buy more clothes. I shall die in the lawless land. Finally Cathy will be my widow according to the law in the lawless land. Copyright 2007, Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tell me the story

Tell me the story, my love. What kind do you want to hear? The one about the little birds, how they killed and ate them all. Tell me the story, my love, about the hedgehogs, how they skinned them alive, because they envied them their spines. Tell me the story, my love. What kind do you want to hear? The one about mental institutions full of mental patients, because somebody was playing with their minds to cover their crimes. Tell me the story, my love. What kind do you want to hear? The one with the good end. Here is the story about how snow was falling on the city of Pottsville and all people were sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping. Suddenly the fire siren went off and all firemen had an emergency, and all policemen had an emergency, and all in the health care had an emergency. All victims, when they didn't burn alive, were scared and homeless. You asked for the good ending story, my love. This is good end, because all victims received very quick help. I wish you good night, my love. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann February 2009, Pottsville

Rainy day

Two cats and one old man sleep whole day. One female cat sleeps in the bathroom shelf. Male cat curls in the sink and the man just lies on the sofa one rainy day. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann July 2008, Sch. Haven

The trip

Misha, Sasha and Masha drove in Misha's Mercedes to pick up some mushrooms. In the woods they found one broken recliner, two sofas, several tires and one old mattress. They didn't find any mushrooms. On their way back they stopped at McDonald for lunch. Misha then sold her Mercedes to somebody who likes these old, junky cars and doesn't mind they do not have any heating or air conditioning. Sasha went next day to Kindergarten in his new, smart uniform. He told about his trip to the woods. On Wednesday whole kindergarten with their teacher and her husband drove back to the woods and picked up all trash: empty bottles, papers and boxes from McDonald. Teacher's husband and his friend lifted recliner, two sofas, tires, old mattress and other stuff and put them on the truck. They also picked all broken glass. The forest now looked clean. The teacher took pictures of her class. The pictures were on a bulletin board and in the local newspaper and everybody was proud of children and their teacher. The husband and his friend kept change for all sold cans. It didn't cover price of the gas, they said. What happened to Masha? She walked home and crawled into the bed. She is still sleeping. Copyright (c) 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

A la folksong

Mosquitoes are biting me, fleas are biting me. My love doesn't want me. I still want her. What am I going to do about her? For mosquitoes and fleas I am going to buy a spray. What about my love? I all ready forgot about her. What was her name? Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas

Stray cat

Have a mercy Have a mercy Have a mercy I need just few morsels of food for myself and for my kittens If you don't have I shall eat old bread Just little bit of food You are my life You starved me to the death It was my ninth life Copyright 2007 Marie Neumann Stephenville, Texas


Will you keep me when I am silly? Will you keep me, when I don't know where to turn to? Will you befriend me even if I have nothing to give back? Will you protect me when black birds are circling the sky of my town? Will you keep me when paranoia will take over? Copyright July 2008 Marie Neumann

How is it done?

I wanted to be a wife. Wives do not guzzle and do not scribble poems and stories; do not hide them in the old suitcases. Wives bring home groceries, balance the bottle of ketchup on the top of the bag and kick the head of the cabbage in front of them. Wives cook, wash the dishes, clean and run vacuum cleaner, take out the garbage, clean a litter box, and feed the cat. Wives do the laundry, mend the clothes, darn the socks, suck their sore thumb, and iron. Wives take care of the flower beds, rake the leaves, polish the shoes, knit and crochet, clean and help. Wives nod, agree and listen, and serve enthusiastically in the day, and in the night, too. Wives do not talk back, are not stubborn, and do not guzzle, do not smoke. I wanted to be a wife. "A wife is the neck, which moves the head." I was told. How is it done? I wanted to be a wife. A husband preferred younger, giggling women. How to lure him away from them? How to lure him on? How is it done? Copyright (c) 2007 Marie Neumann, Stephenville, Texas

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dr. Seuss motif

South Carolina, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Upper Texas, Lower Texas, East Texas, West Texas, how does it rhyme? Lunch in Upper Texas, dinner in Arkansas, breakfast in Tennessee. How does it sound, do you see? Breakfast in West Texas, lunch in New Mexico, How does it rhyme, don't you see? Lunch in East Texas, dinner in Louisiana, do you want to have dinner with me? How does it sound, do you see? Breakfast in Lower Texas, dinner in Mexico, what about Bernie, will she go? How does it sound, how does it rhyme? Don't you see? Copyright 2008 Marie Neumann, Pottsville, PA

Saturday, January 3, 2009


It rained on Monday. It rained on Tuesday. It rained on Wednesday in Stevenville, Texas. Do you know what this prediction means? Stevenville gets flooded, all poor, little houses will get flooded, because they sit, like ducks, in the flood zone. It also rained on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sunday you could see the tops of the roofs in the middle of the lake. All my precious possessions are gone, when my cat and I are paddling toward Gulf of Mexico. Behind us in the church Jesus Christ's closed eyes are staring into the lake. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Stephenville, 2008