Wednesday, February 11, 2015

General love story

Young man meets a young beautiful girl. Why young couple? It is first time, it is new and fresh. I don't mean a crush, or a puppy love, even though they can leave deep scars. Why not more mature couple? Like a man meets a man, a butch meets a beautiful woman? It is the same, it is not new and it repeats, and it repeats … No, think about circumstances: how do they meet? On Internet? Wait a second. It is arranged. Spontaneity is missing. So they meet at football game, where her brother plays a quarterback. He likes everything about her, especially how her head tilts, when she listens, and she is smitten, too. Now we can start to build a plot. They can not marry right away after the school. A novel will be too short. They have to build their carriers first and then have children. Some enemies? Oh, yes. Plenty. We can start from the beginning. What is popular in these days? He meets her in the bar. She is drank and he gets her sober. No. Give me a nice love story. Nothing to complicated and difficult. It is a love on the first sight. They are usually the best, because they leave a lasting impression. They go to the same college. They share their lunches, sweaters and cigarettes. After a graduation they move to the same town. His carrier, or her carrier? So they compromise. Now you can see, how plot thickens. They live in an apartment, save money and build their house. They also get married after the last brick is laid. Wait a minute. We are in America. O. K. The house is built in two months. They produce a couple of children. Then he gets laid off. The roles reverse. No, we want nice love story. He gets another job across the States, so they have to move. Yes, grass is greener on the other side of mountain. It's a life and life means change. The end of the story. Is it stupid? I wouldn't be admitted to a class for creative writing. What the heck. I like to write. I like it very much. Copyright © Marie Neumann 2/11/2015 POW! assignment 2/11/2015 POW! assignment

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