Saturday, November 27, 2010

"The Sun, the Moon and the Stars"

For Jan and Ashley Mother Moon is baking moon pies for her children stars. "Save some for father, save some for father, save some for father." "Father will get none." Children are gathering pie crumbs and throw them into the sky. "They are for you father Sun." Then hail comes. Father gets none. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 2010 POW! GROW

Friday, November 26, 2010


It's raining outside. I am lying on the sofa under the light of the lamp with the pink shade, wrapped in the warm blanket, reading a mystery book and sipping hot tea with lemon and honey from my favorite mug. The cat is sleeping at my feet. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 15/10/2009 POW! GROW