Monday, April 6, 2009


We planted a cabbage at Spring time. Rows and rows of young shoots. The shoots grew nicely. They were adding more and more leaves. Then came butterflies. They were small and white. They planted clusters of yellow eggs on the bottom of the leaves. Our job was to wear gloves and smash the eggs. We didn't listen to much. Then the eggs became caterpillars and they started to devour our cabbage. Our job was to wear gloves and pick ugly caterpillars and put them into the jar and close the lid. I would rather smash the eggs, but now it was to late. The caterpillars were eating our cabbage. We worked hard this time. Only few caterpillars changed into the butterflies. Copyright Marie Neumann Pottsville, 4/6/09

For sale

Friend of mine purchased a land on Mars. "It's only few acres", he said. He knows somebody who has a bigger piece on Moon and the owner wrote a letter to the astronauts: "Do not trespass on my property." When are they moving? Soon Mars, Venus and Moon will be sold out. Copyright (c) Marie Neumann Pottsville, 4/6/09

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh my gosh, woman!

We were driving to the pub in the next village. The pub has a billiard table. I refused to play. I do not know how to play it and I do not know the rules. My excuses didn't work. I was pushed to the big, green table and they put a cue into my right hand. I understood, that a white ball is very important. The audience gathered around the table. I hit the white ball, it moved - and dropped into the hole. The disgusted audience thinned out and I was pushed out of the pub. It was my first and the last date. Copyright 4/3/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Friendship means ...

Instant connection, saying the same words at the same time and a ray of understanding between two people. It also means: "I need somebody to take care of my cat." "Sure he can stay." I am not to good at that, but I am learning. It also means we know each other for very long time. We connected long time ago. Today nothing can break these ties - only an ultimate breaker. It also means little, shy smile: "Good morning", when we offer a new one. Copyright 4/3/09 Marie Neumann, Pottsville

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A secretary

Typing, writing, organizing, that's her job. She is a people's person. She is smiling with a new baby and grieving with a family member leaving. She works efficiently behind the scenes. She is the secretary. Copyright 4/1/2009 Marie Neumann, Pottsville